
2020年10月13日—Here'swhattheendofsupportmeansforyou:You'llnolongerreceiveOffice2016forMacsoftwareupdatesfromMicrosoftUpdate.You'llno ...,TheOffice2016forMacPreview-June23,2015updateprovidesbugfixesfortheMicrosoftOffice2016forMacSuite(Word,Excel,PowerPoint,andOutlook) ...,2015年3月5日—MicrosoftalreadytoldusOffice2016forMacwascoming,butthepublicpreviewisoutnowasafreedownload,withoutanyOffice365 ...

End of support for Office 2016 for Mac

2020年10月13日 — Here's what the end of support means for you: You'll no longer receive Office 2016 for Mac software updates from Microsoft Update. You'll no ...

Office 2016 for Mac Preview

The Office 2016 for Mac Preview - June 23, 2015 update provides bug fixes for the Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook) ...

Office 2016 For Mac Preview Now Available, No Office 365 ...

2015年3月5日 — Microsoft already told us Office 2016 for Mac was coming, but the public preview is out now as a free download, without any Office 365 ...

Office 2016 for Mac gets first public preview

2015年3月5日 — Microsoft has released a preview of its updated Office suite for Mac OS 10.10 users. The official version is due out around the middle of ...

Microsoft launches preview of Office 2016 for Mac, full ...

2015年3月5日 — Microsoft launched a public preview version of Office 2016 for Mac that allows users of Apple's platform to get a feel for the future of the ...

Office for Mac 2016 Public Preview

2015年3月9日 — The main three apps, Word, Excel and PowerPoint have their quirks, but all three are very usable. They may not look or feel like their Windows ...

The Office 2016 Mac Preview is here!

2015年3月5日 — Today is a big day for the Mac community–we're excited to announce that a preview of the new Office 2016 for Mac is now officially available!

Office 2016 Preview


Office 2016 for Mac

If you have a subscription for Office 365 software, you can download Office 2016 from account's download software page. The Public Preview will expire on August ...

Microsoft delivers first public preview of Office 2016 for Mac

2015年3月5日 — Microsoft has released the first public preview of Office 2016 for Mac, its updated Office suite for Mac OS 10.10 users, which is due out ...